These pictures are of Vivian Tracks and Mazie and Vivian making tracks.
I took the USMLE on Monday. I could write a short book about what to do and what not to do for studying for the USMLE, as I'm sure all veterans could but, like me, lack the energy. I will say that I have such a craving for good strong housework that I have been busy with homemaking since Tuesday. I made curtains! Or, rather, finished making curtains.
I am so pooped right now that I can't even muster words of jubilation for having completed my exam. I am delighted to be done, excited to read more medicine, but not quite yet.
And our cat, Cindy, is totally nuts. She WOULD NOT LET me work on the curtains today because her favorite game is sheets, and guess what looks like sheets? Curtains. So I couldn't move my project without having a tumbling ball of sharp cat parts tearing around in the curtain. I put her outside in the rain twice; both times she jumped up about five feet and clung to the screen until I let her back in. She has also developed the curious habit of climbing people and curling up on their shoulders with her face by their face. It hurts as she's climbing up - enough to make you say YOW! - but it's sort of comforting and cute once she gets in place. The last thing about her is that she's completely recalcitrant. Other cats we've had responded to being squirted with water. After the first couple of times, Cindy became completely impervious to the water squirt. Maybe it's related to the fact that she comes running whenever she hears running water and she plays with the stream of water.
Anyway, this cat is inconvenient, as living things tend to be, but she is enormously entertaining. A cat's quirks give them their uniquenesss and are their own way of thumbing their nose at all controlling forces. This cat is uniquely good at thumbing her nose.
I'm so glad to be back to spending time with my family. I have missed them so much!