Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rainy Night Where?

In Georgia. It is storming to beat the boat right now. This may be an entire-Eastern-Seaboard thing, but I speculate that it just plain storms more here than it does in TWV (Tidewater Virginia). I have missed these storms. Of course, maybe I think it storms more here because when I last lived here I was in high school. The timing is significant because then I was still in what I'll call my Cool Woodnymph phase, where I felt it was my obligation to defy logic and run around in the rain expressing my appreciation for all things Natural. College saw a natural attrition of such poetic extravagances, and now I am loathe to get wet under any circumstance where the water is under, say, 85 degrees Farenheit. Adulthood.

I still think it storms more often here. The storms are impressive and productive and I like them.

It's sinking in that I'm going to medical school. My first assignment has helped it sink in somewhat. I am to read chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and most of 6, 15, and 21 in a book called Molecular Biology of the Cell. So far, I have loved it...but I'm only mostly through Chapter 2, so we'll see. But, so far, this book is more than review; it seems to see things from a perspective that has always really excited me. The authors have taken care at every step to generate an image of exactly what cellular processes LOOK like. They give careful attention to scale and multitudinousness (that's the best word I can find for envisioning thousands of reactions per second). I am excited to get back to reading (right in the next minute or so!) and encouraged that my future teachers have chosen this text with these authors because I really really like it.

Meanwhile, some practical things:

  • There was already a raised bed and a corn stalk at our apartment when we moved in
  • We sang "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" in church today and I cried like a dignified baby.
  • I hate driving in a car with a permanently-up driver's side power window and no A/C. My irritation has matured into pure, unadulterated hatred.
  • There are a ton of kids in our complex, and they run in packs.
  • We can walk to the grocery store in 5 minutes or so.
  • Candler Woods is the Emory equivalent of College Woods...and we can go there to get our fix of woods and lake. That's a mercy, because I think we might all shrivel up without our woods/lake fix.
  • Richie needs this computer to get interactive mapping!
Love to all, b

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man, I miss you!

that's all for now. Call me soon!
