Saturday, December 5, 2009

some pics

Here is one of the last opportunities to see Mazie with both top front baby teeth. She just lost her left one a week or so ago. She's very snaggly-toothed now, almost overnight. Just a month ago or so she had the perfect baby tooth smile (though she'd lost the bottom four already, it didn't seem to make much difference.). Now she has the top left blank space, the top right is crooked because it's on its way out, and the bottom far left is showing it's grownup tooth - but it's growing in sort of sideways. She's still so little; I guess she'll have to grow into her teeth.
Here we are at the corn maze. Richie took the picture. It was really fun. I felt addicted to finding the way. I was SO GLAD that the map was accurate. I was getting all ready for the map to be crazy, but it was really very good and made for a fun time.

So...Here's the most pitiful picture I have ever seen of Richie. Except one of him sleeping that Iwouldn't dare post. Of course, he's just coming off of general anesthesia in this one, so it's really not fair to post it. But he did take the photo himself (I was driving him home). He had just gotten two teeth extracted. Sad day. Here's one of the girls. They're wearing Skeledog tee-shirts. Our friends make them.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awwwwww.... I miss you guys!!!