Friday, January 10, 2014

small news

Our Christmas tree is still up, and if that's wrong, I don't want to be right.
Fire hazard or not, we do not feel finished enjoying this year's dazzler.

I am finally succeeding in securing IV's...thank the good Lord above.
The most hilarious patients in the world cross my path. A salty priest, a jabberbox undertaker, a granny. All hilarious. I wish I could tell you more about them.
I laughed hard with my colleagues over an ultrasound machine today. It just became funnier and funnier.

This is the hepatorenal recess: Morison's pouch. We found out via today's ultrasound jam session that Adam K's, Pearlann A's, and mine are all really perfect - ample reason for pride and joy. 
Yes, we're all exhausted.

Adam K himself. you can't tell by looking, but he's internally perfect as far as we can see on ultrasound.
Both kids are brushing up on their math facts.
JJ is becoming a giant: Giant JJ. He is still so cute. We love him.

It's been cold and/or rainy for a long time now. I'm thinking about midwinter in the dirty south.
Practically the only solution to winter in the dirty south is a grotesque outdoor lights display.

And there is our family's celestial being - as in cherubim with 1000 eyes. It has now collapsed under the weight of its own wet branches, but it was stunningly beautiful for a short glorious while.
XOXO going to bed.

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