Tuesday, March 30, 2010

General school update

So, I'm in my cardiology module, which is why no blogging has happened. Some cardiology surprises: holding human organs is always really fun, but the heart is pretty amazing. It's sort of spatially complex - more complex than the 2-D diagrams of the four chambers can portray. it's as though someone took a 2-D diagram and gave it a squeeze and a twist. The aorta is huge. It shouldn't become TOO huge, which is, clinically, over 4 centimeters in diameter!!!. It can be really big. I am functionally deaf, as usual, and that is a problem in cardiologist. I think I have an actual handicap that will preclude me from becoming a cardiologist because my ears just don't hear a lot.

Then there's the obsessive listening (with these poor ears) to anyone who will let me at their chest, which means my husband and my kids, but mostly myself. I have a weird heartbeat because it is abnormally slow and I have an - er - thin chest, two factors that conspire to make every little heart sound much more audible. It's really fun to listen and be able to (roughly) imagine what's going on in there. Now (and I mean right this very minute) I need to remember what EXTRA sounds are what. Dr. F has warned us that his test will be made of questions for which you need to implicitly figure out points 1-3 to answer each one. He's an efficient man.

Of note, Grandma was here for the girls' birthday (thank you, Grandma!!!) which made it special for everyone. I'll post pictures soon.

Meanwhile, I'm working hard and exhausted. I almost had a hissy fit yesterday because the bus I was on idled for too long for my taste (and I saw another one I could have taken departing just as I got on the idling one - rrrr). I think I need to ramp down a little bit :).

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