Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Everything has changed again!

Hello! It's been a long time since I've posted because I've been doing a ton of other stuff. This summer has been wonderful so far, with the ability to make my own schedule as long as I work a lot :). Seriously, I get to spend several hours in the late morning with the girls each day, and that has been wonderful. Now, for instance, we are all eating our yogurt/flax seed/fruit parfaits while sunlight streams through their hair and they tell me about their plans.
I heard Mazie come down the stairs this morning and go directly into the kitchen. Vivian and I were playing in the living room at the time. I got up and followed Mazie to the kitchen to say good morning. She had already gotten out the bread and tin foil to follow through with her plan to befriend a crow.
Vivian has already made jewelry for Flowers, her toy piglet.
*Abandoned post and then came back* Whew! Today I: emailed about a zillion people to work on gaining access for my surveys, got a dress altered, bought more blue paper (with girlies - they got erasers), washed two loads of laundry (including my lab coat which was looking dingier than need be), showered, rode bus to Emory, collected surveys mostly in surgery waiting area and radiology, created more surveys (thereby disturbing a considerable number of people in the med library), rode bus home, organized surveys...and now we're about to leave. Good day!

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