Friday, November 28, 2008

Crafting for Christmas

Today the girls and I had a fantastic morning. We visited the deserted (for Thanksgiving) William and Mary campus and gathered wonderful reproductive organs of trees. We found three types of delicate but sturdy pine cone to make little ornaments. I have something in mind that involves wiggle eyes, but we'll see what actually happens. Wiggle eyes aren't exactly a natural material, are they?

We have also realized that our neighbor-through-the-wall's friend has turned into a boyfriend. I'll leave it to your imagination. So far we've not had to explain it to our girls.

My dear husband stayed at work to finish the jobs he had lined up EVEN THOUGH his boss is far away and everyone else in his division quietly snuck out early. He's soooo awesome. (Those among you who have memorized Monsters, Inc. will quickly recognize this quote). It would be one thing if we were currently lacking for family time. But right now we are all full up on each others' company, so I admire his work ethic.

The girls have discovered Silly Putty, strands of which are embedded in the burbur. Vivian just pronounced, "Our job is to Play With Silly Putty!"

Hats off and much thanks for a low-key Thanksgiving week. Though we'd love to have seen family, I think Mazie's recovery from the tonsillectomy has been taxing enough on us all to have made a traveling Thanksgiving officially Too Much.

Over and out.

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