Friday, January 4, 2013

Kitty School

Just when I think my kids are all "mature" and "growing up too fast"(see above), they do something so utterly play Kitty School all morning.

The premise of Kitty School is basically the same idea as a homeschool co-op.  Both of the girls were Kitty teachers, and they each had several kitty children. They took turns teaching subjects that ranged from extremely academic (kitty math) to purely physical (walking on your hind legs). I overheard Vivian say to one of her kitties, "Now it's time to practice walking quietly." Mazie was even teaching her kitties some theatrical skills: "Here's how you do a demanding Meow: MOWW. MOWW."

Here is some further transcript:
M: I teach the basic skills and, wait, you...
V: I teach the "Better at Being a Cat" group. (time passes in silence for a bit)
V: Now let's practice being quiet...while walking on FOUR feet. Wait. Levanika's old enough that she doesn't have to go to school.
M: You get to go outside.
V: No. Recess is basically were everyone decides to sleep or eat.
M: All mine sleep (giggles). Wait- first I teach Snips and Tabs The Basics, and then you can teach them how to be Better at Being a Cat.
M: And you each get a child-
V: No, you don't. I'm your assistant teacher. That's why all my children HAVE to come. Levanika really wants to ride on your back.
M: Okay! Here, IN, not ON! (stuffing stuffed cats into her clothes). Mama! (to me) Look! The Twins are in my stomach fur! Levanika is on my back! And Vivian's other kids are in my tail! I stuck the kids in my fur so they wouldn't get lost.
V: (laughing hysterically)

V: Cindy is absent today. (Cindy is our real live cat)
M: -snickers- Yeah, she didn't want to stay.

M: We need a bowl.
V: Why?
V: Why?
Me: Mazie, why do you need a bowl?  Please tell Vivian. If you don't answer your sister, it may incline her to fuss. That's frustrating.
M: Oh, Mama. It's lunch time.
They had such a good time that I wasn't about to limit their bowl-use.
I got one really interesting picture of Vivian (dressed as a "Tuxedo" cat in a boy's vest):
That's it, people! That's what happens when I am working all day on writing up my research and the girls do their own thing all winter day long.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the coffee mug in the first pic. Does look very grown up. I went to kitty school by the way, but it was a cat-astrophe.