Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday / The Anatomical Shut-Down

Playing "Playmobopoly": Monopoly plus Playmobil = BIG FUN. The big piles of money and deeds didn't make it into the photo this time.

Watching a train roll by on Saturday

Looks innocent: a mere bowl atop some books

On closer inspection: R Tracks. Three...maybe four days old. Yes, those are Cheetos.

Above is a selection of recent family goings-on. I love finding R Tracks.

I don't normally get involved in online conversations, unless my amazing and talented friends have shared something of their own (See: poem by Sarah Park, "Resolution").


Rider Todd said...


Justin said...

Go you! That was great. People say all kinds of uninformed junk on the internet, and this is one of those times when an informed person can actually make a difference.