Sunday, December 12, 2010


Tonight is windy and co-old. It's flurrying, but the snow isn't drifting down the way Georgia flurries ordinarily do. It's driving sideways and hurts when you go out. Nonetheless, it cheers me, as does the sound of people moving around the house and doing things. My mom will remember, I always preferred to go to sleep to the sound of things happening so that I felt I wasn't missing out. This is the same. If 8% of my brain is occupied by normal home noises, I can both take comfort in the nearness and normalness of it all, and still use the other 92% of my brain for USMLE-approved learning purposes.

Tonight Richie and the girls watched "It's a Wonderful Life." Richie came upstairs afterwards with damp eyes. I asked Mazie and Vivian how they liked it, and Mazie said "I really liked It's a Wonderful Life...except it ISN'T a wonderful life." I guess bittersweetness is lost on a seven-year old, as it hopefully should be. Both girls sang, "Buffalo Gals, won't you come out tonight?" at lights-out.

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