Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Maine post...Late 2011? Early 2012?

Sorry about the light pole.
This is a light pole in Portland, Maine.  I took over 500 digital photos yesterday while driving and walking around Portland.  Unfortunately, none of them are really that good - my purpose was to document quickly to show Richie who could not be here with me. I'd add more but the slow internet deters me.

I keep thinking of New England imagery I've encountered, mostly from reading children's books to M and V: Alice and Martin Provensen

 Where the sap rises and you can eat a green bean and the lake is frozen over.

There's What Happens in the Spring,With Tracy (the boy) and Killian (the Irish Wolfhound)...both of whom enjoy watching the details of spring unfolding around them.

Rosemary Wells makes ample use of New England imagery:

There's One Morning in Maine:

Finally, Winslow Homer - who has his own museum in Portland.

Maine is beautiful.
These artists evoke the Maine I saw far more effectively than any of the photos I took.
Amazing how that can be.  That's one of the zillion reasons why art is important.

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