Our delightful friend, Meghan (shown with a breathing mask), invited us to the fire station for a tour. WOW! WOW! We had a blast poking around the station and getting Meghan's personal explanation of all the vehicles and gear.
- The fire trucks - "engines" is the proper lingo - have every last inch of space planned for maximum effectiveness on calls.
- Meghan told us all about the suits they wear, which is basically TONS of fire-resistant layers.
- Everything was spotless.
- We got to go inside the ambulances, inside the bucket of the tower truck, and crawl all over the cab of an engine.
- Donna, a career firefighter we've known since moving to Charles City, invited us to go for a spin in an engine. They did the siren and tooted the horn and everything. It was super super fun. The girls LOVED it and had questions about every single aspect of fire station workings.
- Meghan did an excellent job of preparing the girls for what firefighters look like when they're in gear.
- Finally, the girls escaped with tons of kids' loot: coloring books, hats, fold-up firehouses and engines, pencils, and stickers. What a day!

Here's to hoping you still think I'm "delightful" when your kids start swearing and hitting people.
It's like how C.S. Lewis describes Aslan: Good, yes; tame, no.
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