I cried. I know that's nothing new. But I was in the VCU student lounge watching on a giant screen with about 10 other interviewees, so it was a little awkward.
This is a momentous day. Obama's presidency is in the process of reforming our collective subconscious agreement of the proper role of black men. I love Barack Obama for his intelligence, his commitment, his character, and his ability to level with the American public. But I am most excited about this day because of Willie, K.K., and Albert, three young black men I taught who need some "Yes you can." I tried to tell them, but somehow I think Mr. Obama will be more effective.
BTW, this day wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared. I loved seeing the VCU campus and felt great about my ski gloves and parka despite the fact that everyone else was in high style. Then the dental school told me they'd give me a root canal and crown for free on the tooth they broke. It's a pain, but it's a lot better than living with a painful tooth OR paying the huge scary amount of money a root canal and crown cost.
Snow was in the forecast for today. Ordinarily I'd love snow, but not when I can't be there to pick up Mazie from school in the event of early dismissal or when I'm traveling to and from Richmond. It didn't snow!
Finally, I was terrified there'd be some horrific interruption of the inauguration today, despite attempts at airtight security. I am so relieved that the day has wound down as planned.
So...huge sigh of relief on all fronts. God is good all the time. It's easy to notice that God is good on a day like today.
obama inauguration slideshow
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