Sunday, January 25, 2009

So Excited

I am getting REALLY excited about starting school. I can't wait to palpate abdomens and auscultate (doctor talk for "listen to") lungs! I can't wait to know the look of a healthy eardrum or the various "signs" that indicate certain maladies (i.e. Homan's Sign (Deep veinous thrombosis), McBurney's Sign (appendicitis), Straight Leg Raise (ruptured disc), Prehn's Sign (torsed testicle) etc.)

I've got a pre-study schedule worked out that I'm trying to stick to (I may have already mentioned that). Here it is:

Mornings: 6-6:30 Sun, Tues, Thurs; 6-7 M, W, F = 4:30
Naptimes: 1-2 Monday - Friday = 5:00
Vivi goes to play: 9:30 - 12 (one day per week) = 2:30
Evenings: 7:30p - 9:30p Sun, Mon, Tues, Sat = 8:00

See? You can (theoretically) squeeze a half-time study schedule out of the interstices of your day. Now that I've made it public, I'll have to stick to it. Kitchen egg timers really help me. I used the last one until it died, but it's the best four-dollar investment I've ever made.

As far as studying goes, I'm still on Thorax in the anatomy book. And I've decided to break it up a bit, combining phys and biochem as I go.

Also, I'm going to try to post more pictures of the little ones because I think that's the most entertaining thing I put on here.

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