Sunday, January 11, 2009

Frijoles Negros

Best Cuban Black Beans Recipe Ever. This is our family's primary staple. The beans freeze well, combine with rice for leftovers, and can get put into quesidillas or wraps. It's my feeling these beans will add years onto your life and save you some money in the process. Thanks to Justin Moore's mom and Clarita's Cocina:

Step 1: Make sure beans have enough water to cover them plus about an inch. Bring these ingredients to boil, then , and lower to a simmer for about an hour or until beans are tender:

1 lb black beans, soaked overnight OR boiled 2 minutes and let to rest 2 hours.
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 medium ripe tomato
1 bay leaf
1/2 onion
1/2 green pepper
1 garlic clove, unpeeled, crushed

Step 2: While the above cooks, sautee the other halves of the onion and Green pepper, chopped, in 1 c. olive oil until tender then add the remainder of the ingredients below and sautee for a minute or two:

1 clove garlic, minced
1 level teaspoon oregano, crushed between your palms
1/4 tsp. cumin

Turn off the heat, then add to skillet:

2 tbsp. wine vinegar
1 tbsp. salt
(optional: 1/2 tsp hot sauce)

Step 3: Combine skillet ingredients with pot ingredients only after beans are tender. (The reason for this is that beans will refuse to tender up in the presence of acid. Who knew?) Then cook for another 45 minutes.

Step 4: enjoy with rice cooked with salt and oil. Brown and white are both delicious.

BTW: increasing both cooking times will only enhance the savoriness and increase the intermingling of flava. Just make sure beans are covered by water as water evaporates and they cook down. Don't cover them up by more than an inch because then your beans will be too watery. Finally, no batch of beans turns out exactly the same. This recipe can be used for riffing; I've adapted it to a satisfying version of refried pintos.


Justin said...

Yay! I heart this recipe so much. thanks for publicizing it. Mel sometimes tops it with a dollop of sour cream, which adds a nice touch.

Richie Gunn said...

I love this meal. Brandi I love your cooking.

I can eat so much bad food in one sitting - it ain't even funny. One time i ate so much steak my buddy got sick and had to go out side.

When we have this meal i only need one bowl (just one!) YAY!.