Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Crafting

- Mazie's Georgia Animal report picture: Bobcat.
- Mazie and Vivian making clay animals.
- Mazie and Miss Laura Jane at a piano lesson.
- Smiley Mazie

*This is accidentally a sort of Mazie-centric post.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wow - I can't believe it's already the sixth of December.

The month between Thanksgiving is crazy for everyone, I'm sure. I can't even put my sweatshirt on frontwards, for crying out loud.

Earlier today there was a flurry of e-mails regarding snowflake costumes and then one about green pants for a tree costume (mazie's grasshopper costume had green pants so we were able to help). We are trying to let everyone know that as far as the Decatur Gunns are concerned, Christmas is for children. I just picked up two very bright crocheted afghans at Last Chance Thrift Store half off Monday on my way home from clinic yesterday - one for each girlie, post-laundering, of course. And it is time for me to submit my research proposal. Thursday is an advisor meeting and Friday is a dean's meeting. Tomorrow my uWise tests are due for OB/GYN. Tonight was small group. Richie is at the church right now (since 7 when I got home from small group), helping to renovate. He was there last night from 5-10.

And there's OB/ interesting. Today I got to be in the operating suite and in the clinic at Midtown. It's so interesting, and so much fun! Can't wait for L and D.

Now some pictures. They'll appear at the top.

Wow - I can

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Favorite Holiday

I think Thanksgiving is becoming my favorite holiday. I just wrote a ton of thank-you notes, hoping for amnesty on the timing. I am done with Ambulatory Care (which I loved) and am on to OB/GYN next. I can't wait to catch babies!!!

Vivian had her Zoo Atlanta field trip yesterday. Her favorite animal was a bird whose name she can't remember that had a special behavior. The tour guide would stand next to the glass and open her mouth and the bird would try to feed her through the glass. That was what Vivian said, anyway.

Mazie is doing a project of her choosing in school. She is researching sound effects and Foley artists. We are pretty sure it's just to increase her repertoire of mouth sounds (which are - no kidding - turning into bona fide tics), but she's really interested in it. I'll try to remember to post what she comes up with.

Here are some pictures of The Gunns' attempt at cheerleading stunts. I can't remember when during public school I learned to do this, or who my cheering stunt partner was, but this little move has served me well for something like 20 years.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dr. Rogerses

The Dr. Rogerses of Halloween 2011.

Monday, October 31, 2011

halloween 2011

Mazie: Pippi Longstocking
Vivian: Mary Ingalls (from "Little House")
Costumes: Of their own formulation. I was only permitted to help with the hair. I tried to suggest elements or small changes, but they were completely set on their own ideas. Easiest Halloween Ever.
These pictures are: cleaning out pumpkins at kitchen counter, Creating Pippi hair, posing with autumn fairy neighbor (AKA Katie), Trick-or-treating, and displaying the spoils of the evening's exploits. Goodnight, little girls, thank the Lord you are well, "And now GO TO SLEEP" said Miss Clavel!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Graffiti Broom Cute Gnat Autumn

1. Graffiti on an long-decommissioned waterworks near our house
2. Vivian learned to do Witch's Broom!
3. Mazie is sweet.
4. I was running and got a gnat in my eye that stung and interfered with my vision. I was using the camera on my phone to try to see the gnat so I could pick it out. I accidentally took this picture. FYI, the camera also did not help me get rid of the gnat. I ended up rubbing it out.
5. Autumn Richie.

swear words

I just explored online and found something that I wrote that had swear words in it! Not mild swear words! The heart was mine but the words didn't feel like mine anymore. I felt embarrassed. When I wrote that, I had naively believed that only about six people would read it - six people who think it's weird if you don't use swear words. Ten minutes ago, if you'd typed my husband's name into Google, the fourth result is me yakking on with swear words. That's far more public than I had intended - but such is the internet. I went in and took out the swear words just now...and already my blood pressure has improved. But what damage is done when someone types in poor Richie's name and hears the voice of a crusty old sailor wife? I'm sure I've already messed something up. May we all learn from my mistake!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Helloooooo, Fall!!!!

So these images are, in no particular order:
Vivian and Richie and Mazie playing in a rocky stream north of here.
Vivian and Mazie with faces painted from the apple festival (courtesy of Nana and Poppy)
Vivian and Richie and Mazie doing a helmet jog (rode bikes and jogged on this outing).
Cindy in Mazie's bobcat habitat for her bobcat a REAL bobcat!
Presumed bear poop. I couldn't get Richie to put his hand beside it for scale. So I did the honors. It did occur to me that it *may* not have been bear poop. But it was full of berries and other bear food. So it's either bear poop or vegetarian poop :).

Friday, September 30, 2011

Stamping this on my brain...

I am putting this here mainly to remind myself later down the road. Mom, remind me! I overheard some attending physicians discussing residents today, and what they said needs to be stamped on my brain. Here's what they expect:

#1- A resident needs a get-it-done modus operandi. YOU are responsible for the patient, and you need to follow through all the way every day. A resident cannot be passive. If your patient has a problem, get up and go see them. If you order an intervention for your patient (transfusion, for instance), watch them during, after, and check them periodically YOURSELF. In general, do stuff YOURSELF. Don't ask the nurse to do it. Don't tell another resident to do it. DO IT.

#2 - Really an extension of #1 - Get your skills under your belt (checkoffs done EARLY) and use them whenever you need them. This means: blood draws, lumbar punctures, rectals, pelvics, paracenteses, and the rest. If your patient needs it, JUST DO IT. No getting someone else to help you/ sort of do it for you and then saying "can I check it off?" Do it yourself.

#3 - Have your clinical reasoning down pat. We follow algorithms sometimes, but we think it through...that's our ROLE. Thinking, reasoning, knowing why we do A not B. Knowing why A didn't work and when to switch to B. If you can't reason it out, read until you can. Again, take responsibility for your ability to think it through.

#4 - If you think you are 4's and 5's out of 5's on any self-assessment, you may want to re-think that. Look for areas to improve rather than thinking you've arrived at a "5". Ask those senior to you: How could I have done _________ better?

#5 - (This was my own observation): Communicate about expectations very clearly with examples and concrete terms. Do this for your interns' and students' sake.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family pics

In random order, these are:
a) Richie at the Varsity (downtown burger joint for non-Atlantans). We were a one-car family for a bit, which gave Richie a chance to bike halfway to and all the way from work.
b) Mazie holding a doll quilt she made, materials supplied by Nana. Vivian is thinking.
c) Daisy Campout: Happy Vivian and me
d) Mazie (yellow shirt) on the hayless hayride (therefore a "Hey!" ride) at the Daisy campout.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Days

Just some happy days!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Video from Talbot Taylor's Intro to Linguistics 1999

Here is a video clip from American Tongues, a documentary that my linguistics professor thought was important enough to spend class time on. I loved this film because there's not much editorializing by the narrator. The subjects say their piece, share their attitude, then the film moves on. So the medium is the message. Also, this is a subject particularly well-suited for video. You couldn't do the same thing with a book. Maybe a radio piece, but it would be missing something.

This is just a bit of it, but as the film goes on, people reveal more and more of their attitudes about others' accents - regionally speaking. This, together with research about the way people differentiate themselves linguistically...perhaps not consciously, but nonetheless actively, is food for reflection.

I wonder what this documentary would look like re-made in 2011 instead of 1988. The old-timers are dead now - I suspect we'd be missing a lot of old-timey richness because today's old-timers are thirty years farther from a pre-radio or pre-TV era. I think about Pop-pop and his sturdy Oklahoma drawl. My mom, the accent chameleon. My midwestern stepdad, who got made fun of for talkin' funny when he moved to The Deep South as a six-year-old (or thereabouts). And, of course, my husband, whose accent is so Southern that it seemed exotic when we first met. He truly is a rare bird, but in a houseful of Forest Park natives, I can't tell him apart from the rest if there's a closed door between us.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Poor Kitty.

There is a meme in my family of origin called: "Poor kitty. Pooooor, poor kitty." We usually had a cat around the house. The cat was well-loved but also known to exist in a state of mutual tolerance. Cats invariably take themselves too seriously, and in so doing, set themselves up for good-natured taunting. This is how "Poor kitty" works: the cat pines away for some small luxury ("Meowwwwww!"). We reply: "Pooooor kitty. Pooor, poor kitty" with tragic expressions on our faces. It's fun! The fun comes from the fact that we feed this animal, give it the best spot in the house to sleep, let it in and out pretty much whenever it wants, and take it to the vet periodically, adore it liberally - and it has NO idea how good its life is. We know it has limited perspective because it's irritated about being in when it wants to be out or vice versa.

I can't help adding that the reason this is satisfying is that I, myself, AM a Poor Kitty. What's the matter, kitty? You can't fit in a jog? You're having car trouble? You don't get to vegetate tonight? Poor kitty. Poooor, poor kitty.