Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Little Junk Bird

The girls are playing a game they've named "Little Junk Bird." It's a cross between playing crow and playing Oscar the Grouch. They've gathered all the things they like into their new Dora Hut (thank you for the Dora Hut, Grandma!). The game has a dress-up component (thanks for the new dress-up clothes, Nana and Grandma!): they have different sets of "wings" (skirts) that they take on and off depending on the circumstance.

Yesterday we went to the Virginia Living Museum for the day. Last time we went, the girls got really wound up and the visit ended in tears. Yesterday, though, we had a fantastic time. I think we hit every exhibit, including the outdoor animals (which we skipped last visit), and there were NO tears.

Favorite animals? Mazie: red wolves. Vivian: red and gray foxes. I wish I had photos to share. But I did learn that Red Foxes and Gray Foxes can be many different colors, but the Red Fox has a white-tipped tail and the Gray fox has a black-tipped tail. The museum does a great job of explaining why certain animals are there. They put up plaques explaining that the eagles have wing injuries or that the loggerhead sea turtle has a missing flipper.

My favorite animals were the bobcat - so slinky and purposeful in its movement with such an amazing face, and the loggerhead turtle. The loggerhead won me over with its gaze. It seemed to acknowledge people outside the tank. That could be my imagination - I have no idea what they can see and what they're aware of, but I'm sure it looked right at me.

Today I'm going to try to Get A Lot Done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had such a good time with you and the girls today... but I fear we seriously hampered your Getting A Lot Done goal!

The little stuffed animals were a huge hit and successfully prevented anyone from falling asleep prematurely. Frances was roaring to her tiger the whole time, and Kate accidentally dropped the piggy... and then 'talked' about that.